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Manu 4 Days 

Uncover the amazon’s mysteries and legends on this great adventure, live this fascinating trip to the vast national park in the Amazon Basin which covers almost 20,000 sq km (12,427 sq mi) and is one of the best places in South America to see a stunning variety of tropical wildlife. Progressive in its emphasis on preservation, Unesco declared Manu a Biosphere Reserve in 1977 and a World Natural Heritage Site in 1987. Entry is only with guide and permit.

One reason the park is so successful in preserving such a large tract of virgin jungle and its wildlife is that it’s remote and relatively inaccessible to people, and therefore has not been exploited by rubber tappers, loggers, oil companies or hunters. The Manu national park is doubtless the world has one of the most pristine primary rain forest, this part of the jungle of Peru is home for many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, and home for many species of trees, orchids, ferns, etc. Likewise it includes several oxbow lakes, and clay licks where hundreds of birds including macaws feed on clay. Besides during this excursión you will visit the native community. When you’re done, sit back & re-live the memories over a perfect Pisco Sour.

Cloud Forest

Manu Biosphere Reserve

Manu River


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